Mark Hunter of Hunter Locksmith's is based in Skelmersdale, Lancashire.
We provide a 24/7 service for all of your Locksmith needs. Priority goes to emergency lock-outs and we will be with you as soon as possible.
Every job is different which means that all prices will differ, quotes can be given by email, over the phone or in person (usually the best way) but all quotes are free.

Locked out?
We can get you back in quickly. With all the latest tools and the skills to use them. We will use every technique possible to avoid destruction to your property. Although, if you have lost your keys replacement locks may be the best course of action.

Want to replace your current locks? Whether you have lost your keys, moving into a new house or upgrading your level of security, Hunter Locksmith's are here to help

Key Extractions, Repairs & Services
Has your key become lodge in a lock? Without the use of specialist tools they can be very difficult to remove, we can help.
We can also service and repair most makes of domestic locks